Charles C. Copeland

President/CEO, Goldman Copeland Associates

New York, NY

About Charles C. Copeland

BSME 1962, MSM
MME 1968, CCNY
OGS Member

Charlie graduated as a mechanical engineer from UMR and joined his firm in 1970. Goldman Copeland Associates (GCA) designs mechanical/electrical systems for buildings and has engineered the renovations for many of New York City’s landmarks. These include Grand Central Terminal, Carnegie Hall, Fifth Ave. Presbyterian Church, Staten Island Ferry Terminal, Bronx Botanical Gardens, theaters and museums. The company also works for a number of major New York City property owners, hospitals, and other types of institutions. Most of GCA’s work has always represented a concern for the environment from the earliest solar collector designs Charlie worked on in the 1970’s. Learning about the second law of thermodynamics at Rolla, “Heat has a universal tendency to dissipate” and entropy “Every isolated system becomes more disordered with time.” made a significant impression on his career. Now of course, mankind is faced with the much more immediate prospect of serious climate change. Currently the firm is working on a number of building distributed cogeneration projects and over 25,000,000 sq. ft. of audits and energy upgrades to New York City properties. Charlie is very grateful for the opportunity the schooling at UMR gave him for his career.