Senior Program Structural Engineer, Boeing Defense Systems, The Boeing Company
St. Louis, MO
BSAE 1990, UMR
MSEMech 1997, UMR
Chris is recognized as a Boeing Defense System technical expert on airframe structure specializing in air worthiness certification. He currently is the senior structural integrity leader on the F-15, T7, and multiple Phantom Works proprietary programs. He has over 32 years of experience in structural analysis, structural certification, airframe design, and airframe structural repair. Chris is also a member of the Boeing Technical Fellowship.
Chris and his wife Lisa are both from St. Louis, MO and currently reside in Weldon Spring, Missouri. They have two children, Sam and Josie. Sam is a junior and Josie is a freshman at Francis Howell High School. Lisa taught high school math for ten years before becoming a stay at home mom. Sam and Josie are very active in their many sports and Chris and Lisa enjoy watching their children compete. In the families free time they enjoy spending time at the lake boating and skiing.